It’s Time To Let Go, Get Your Garage Back With EZ Haulers


The common, two-stall garage is one of the most underutilized spaces in many homes. We mistreat the garage, neglect the garage and even resent the garage on our home, especially if it is filled up with junk that should be headed to the landfill. We know you love your car but do you really love those Christmas lights from the previous century? Or do you really need that stand up paddleboard? The answer is no, there is something fundamentally wrong with stand up paddleboards, dude, get a boat. The point is, half of the stuff in your garage is pretty much things you can live without or should be in storage. Your garage is meant to be used as a place to park your car — or at least utilized for something fun like a yoga studio or a man cave. Why you may ask? Because your garage deserves more.

When sifting through decades of stuff in your garage it is important to remember one thing, the (insert decade here) is over and you really do not need to hang on to the physical trappings of that era, besides your hair was probably awful anyway. The old rule is if you haven’t used something in a year, you probably don’t need it, of course that does not include awesome things like your old cat toys or shot glass collection. Both of those things you will never actually use again but, hey, you never know. The point is, it is truly easier to get rid of all the extra junk in your garage than continuously accumulating and ending up leaving a bunch of stuff behind your kids are going to throw away anyway.

Now that you have a Rainier sized pile in your driveway, what do you do next? First of all jump online and post something about free stuff. People will come running while you sit inside by the window and judge them. Just make sure that your crazy neighbor does not add stuff to the pile. When the dust has settled, and you realize that nobody wanted your old stuff either, it is time to contact the junk removal professionals at EZ Haulers. We will come to your home and make that pile of memories (junk) disappear. While you are at it, how about getting rid of that old couch that you never moved off of the front porch or the above ground swimming pool that you haven’t used in four years. We haul furniture and yard waste all the time, and items like appliances and hot tubs that are hard to get rid of? We can make them a distant memory. Not only will you have a clean garage without the hassle of heading to the landfill or recycle yourself, but you may just rekindle a connection with your garage.